Thursday, February 11, 2016

Bacon! - Yum, delicious flavored bacon

How can you not love Bacon?!

To jazz up my eggs, sandwiches, salads or just eat by itself, here's a couple things I do.

Jalapeno Bacon - can of pickled jalapenos, marinate bacon overnight, cook as usual.

Bacon Candy - mix a little melted butter and brown sugar and brush over bacon before cooking

Sweet Apple Bacon - Brush each slice with Apple butter before cooking

Hot Bacon - marinate in my homemade hot pepper broth. You could use Franks/Butter or Cayenne/Crushed Red Pepper Flakes and some Olive Oil.

I've even done peach preserves to go with pork.  

Personally I like to cook it in the oven vs. stovetop to avoid all the mess and hassle. 

Lay slices in a single layer on a sheet, foil lined sheet, rack over a sheet, whatever you like... (I prefer a rack on the sheet lined with foil.  Foil catches all the mess for no clean-up and the rack allows air to circulate the entire piece so you don't have to flip or have one soggy side). Bake at 400 for about 15-20 minutes depending on your oven and desired crispiness.  Enjoy!

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